Public Notices



Boil Water Alert 

Croydon Shire Council has issued a Boil Water Alert for all Croydon residents due to traces of e-coli detected in the town's water supply. As the Council works closely with Queensland Health to resolve the situation, residents are advised to boil tap water before consumption.
We encourage residents to share this information with their neighbours and friends.

Ingesting unboiled drinking water may pose health risks, particularly for vulnerable individuals such as the very young, the elderly, or those with compromised immune systems. If you suspect that you have fallen ill due to consuming the water, please contact 13 43 25 84 or the Croydon Primary Health Care Centre 07 4748 7000 to report your concerns.

To ensure the safety of the water for consumption, residents are advised to follow these steps for boiling water:

  1. Bring the water to a rolling boil in a clean pot or kettle.

  2. Once the water has cooled down, it can be used for the following purposes:

    • Drinking

    • Preparing baby formula

    • Making ice

    • Food preparation and cooking

    • Washing plates and cutlery

    • Brushing teeth

    • Sponge-bathing babies

Tap water remains safe for the following activities:

  • Showers and baths

  • Shaving

  • Flushing toilets

  • Washing clothes

  • Watering plants

Please continue to boil water until further notice from the Council and Queensland Health that the water is safe for consumption.



Regulatory Reporting

Croydon takes its drinking water supply from Lake Belmore Dam which has a storage capacity of 5200ML. The Ground Level Reservoir holds 1.8ML of treated water for distribution through the reticulation network to 144 connections.

Drinking Water Quality Management Plan Annual Report 2020-2021

Drinking Water Quality Management Plan 2017


View the Watering Restrictions Exemption Register

View the Customer Service Standard


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